
IoT Security Risks in 2024 and How to Mitigate Them

October 16, 2024 · 13 minutes read

Reviewed by: Franck Kengne

Table of Contents

The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming industries, homes, and daily life by connecting billions of devices to the internet. From smart thermostats and healthcare devices to industrial equipment and autonomous vehicles, IoT is enabling real-time data collection, automation, and optimization across sectors. However, this explosion of connected devices brings a new set of security challenges, many of which continue to evolve in 2024.

IoT security risks include unauthorized data access, malware, botnet attacks, and privacy breaches, among others. As the number of connected devices is expected to surpass 29 billion by 2030 (Statista), the need to address these security risks is more critical than ever. This article will dive into the top IoT security risks in 2024 and provide actionable strategies to mitigate them.

Top IoT Security Risks in 2024

1. Increased Attack Surface

The sheer number of IoT devices deployed across industries creates an expanded attack surface for cybercriminals. As each device is a potential entry point into a network, every new connection adds more complexity and vulnerability. Unlike traditional IT systems, many IoT devices lack strong security mechanisms and are often deployed without robust oversight, which exposes organizations to risks.

Case Study: The Mirai botnet attack in 2016 exploited poorly secured IoT devices (like routers and IP cameras) to carry out one of the largest DDoS attacks in history. While this happened several years ago, similar attacks are likely to persist or even evolve in 2024 as the number of devices grows exponentially.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Network Segmentation: Separate IoT devices from critical systems by isolating them on different network segments.
  • Device Inventory and Control: Organizations must maintain a real-time inventory of connected IoT devices and monitor their status and activity. Using endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools can help to manage this inventory and limit unauthorized access.

2. Weak Default Security Settings

Many IoT devices are shipped with default usernames and passwords, which are rarely changed after installation. This presents a significant vulnerability, as attackers can easily exploit these weak default settings to gain unauthorized access to devices.

Fact: According to a 2019 F-Secure study, 99% of IoT device malware targeted weak or default credentials. The ease with which cybercriminals can find and exploit default credentials makes this an ongoing security concern in 2024.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Enforce Strong Authentication: Manufacturers and users should implement mandatory password changes during device setup, requiring strong, unique passwords for every device.
  • Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): Where possible, enabling MFA on IoT devices can significantly reduce the likelihood of unauthorized access.

3. Vulnerabilities in Outdated Firmware

IoT devices often rely on outdated firmware, which may contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers. While traditional IT devices typically receive regular security patches, IoT devices are often left unpatched due to lack of support from manufacturers, user negligence, or logistical challenges in deploying updates.

Stat: A 2021 study by Palo Alto Networks revealed that 57% of IoT devices were vulnerable to medium- or high-severity attacks due to outdated firmware.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Automated Firmware Updates: Ensure devices are capable of automatic over-the-air (OTA) updates. Organizations should also implement centralized IoT management platforms to regularly check and apply the latest firmware.
  • Patch Management: Regular patch management processes should be in place to ensure that devices are updated with the latest security patches, preventing known vulnerabilities from being exploited.

4. Lack of Encryption

Many IoT devices transmit data over the internet without proper encryption, making them vulnerable to man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. If data is intercepted during transmission, it can lead to severe breaches, especially if the data involves sensitive information such as healthcare records, financial transactions, or industrial control systems.

Example: In 2021, a cybersecurity firm found that 41% of IoT devices were sending unencrypted data across networks, exposing user information to potential interception.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Encrypt Data in Transit and at Rest: IoT systems should use TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to encrypt data during transmission. Additionally, organizations should encrypt data stored on IoT devices, especially when dealing with sensitive data.
  • VPN for IoT Networks: For devices that regularly transmit data, consider using virtual private networks (VPNs) to ensure secure communication between IoT devices and cloud servers.

5. Physical Security Risks

Many IoT devices are deployed in locations where physical access to the hardware is possible, such as in public areas or industrial settings. Physical tampering with devices can lead to security breaches, where attackers gain access to sensitive information or even alter device settings to cause disruptions.

Example: Industrial IoT devices, such as those used in manufacturing plants or utility grids, are particularly vulnerable to physical attacks, where attackers manipulate equipment to cause operational downtime or create safety hazards.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Secure Hardware: Use tamper-proof hardware and ensure that physical access to IoT devices is restricted.
  • Device Hardening: Implement additional hardware-based security measures such as trusted platform modules (TPMs) or secure boot protocols to protect devices from tampering.

6. Insecure APIs

IoT devices often use application programming interfaces (APIs) to communicate with other systems or cloud platforms. If these APIs are poorly designed or inadequately secured, they can provide an entry point for attackers to access sensitive data or gain control over the devices.

Example: In 2020, Ring, the smart doorbell company, faced security scrutiny after vulnerabilities in its APIs allowed unauthorized access to users’ cameras. This type of exposure underscores the need for strong API security.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Secure API Development: Developers should follow best practices for secure API design, including implementing rate limiting, authentication, and encryption.
  • Use of OAuth or Token-Based Authentication: APIs should require OAuth or token-based authentication to ensure that only authorized systems and users can access them.

7. IoT Botnets and DDoS Attacks

IoT devices are frequently targeted to create botnets—networks of compromised devices used to carry out Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. These botnets leverage the vast number of insecure IoT devices to overwhelm a target network, rendering services unavailable.

Fact: According to Kaspersky, DDoS attacks leveraging IoT devices increased by 217% between 2018 and 2021, and the trend is expected to continue through 2024 as IoT devices proliferate.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Botnet Detection Systems: Use intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) to identify and block malicious traffic before it can target or compromise IoT devices.
  • Limit Device Functionality: Restrict the functionality of IoT devices to only what is necessary, reducing their exposure to attack. For example, disable unnecessary communication protocols or services to limit potential vulnerabilities.

8. Privacy Breaches

IoT devices, especially in consumer applications, often collect vast amounts of personal data without robust privacy protections. If attackers gain access to this data, it can lead to significant privacy violations.

Example: Smart home devices like voice assistants or security cameras collect sensitive information about users’ activities, behaviors, and routines. In 2019, Amazon’s Ring cameras were compromised, exposing video feeds from users’ homes.

Mitigation Strategies:

  • Data Minimization: Limit the amount of data that IoT devices collect to only what is necessary for their operation. Adopting privacy-by-design principles can help ensure that user privacy is protected from the outset.
  • User Control: Give users control over the data their IoT devices collect. Allow them to delete data or manage their privacy settings easily.

Mitigating IoT Security Risks in 2024

While the risks associated with IoT are significant, several strategies can mitigate these vulnerabilities and ensure secure IoT deployment.

1. Device Certification Standards

In 2024, governments and industry organizations are pushing for IoT certification standards to ensure that devices meet minimum security requirements. Certification programs like NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework provide guidelines that manufacturers can follow to enhance device security.

  • Adopt certified devices: Ensure that IoT devices meet industry standards for security before deployment.
  • Stay compliant: Ensure that your organization complies with relevant regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or CISA’s IoT security recommendations.

2. Network Security Best Practices

Organizations must implement network security measures to protect IoT devices from external threats. This includes:

  • Using firewalls and intrusion detection systems.
  • Applying network segmentation to isolate IoT devices from critical infrastructure.
  • Regularly monitoring network traffic for anomalies.

3. Endpoint Protection

Endpoint protection solutions designed specifically for IoT can help secure devices by detecting threats and applying real-time remediation. By deploying agent-based or agentless security solutions, organizations can ensure that IoT devices are protected from malware, botnets, and unauthorized access.

4. Education and Training

Educating employees, administrators, and users about IoT security best practices is crucial. Many IoT vulnerabilities arise due to human error, such as using weak passwords or failing to apply updates.

  • Provide regular security training: Ensure that all users are aware of the security risks associated with IoT devices and how to mitigate them.
  • Promote secure configuration: Encourage the use of strong passwords, regular updates, and multi-factor authentication wherever possible.


As IoT adoption continues to grow rapidly in 2024, securing these devices becomes a more critical challenge. By understanding the top security risks—such as weak authentication, outdated firmware, lack of encryption, and botnet attacks—organizations can implement effective strategies to protect their IoT ecosystems. From ensuring strong encryption and regular updates to adopting device certification standards, mitigating IoT security risks requires a combination of technological solutions and proactive cybersecurity practices.

For more insights on IoT security and emerging tech trends, follow @cerebrixorg on social media!

Liam Chen

Tech Visionary and Industry Storyteller

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