
How to Use Kubernetes for Container Orchestration: Step-by-Step Guide

September 25, 2024 · 5 minutes read

Reviewed by: Julia Knights

Table of Contents

Kubernetes (K8s) is the leading open-source platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Whether you’re running microservices or a complex enterprise system, Kubernetes simplifies the orchestration of your container environments. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the basics of using Kubernetes for container orchestration.

Step 1: Install and Configure Kubernetes

Before you can start orchestrating containers, you need to install Kubernetes. Here are the main installation options:

  • Local Installation: You can install Kubernetes on your local machine using tools like Minikube, which runs a local Kubernetes cluster for development and testing purposes.
  • Cloud Provider: Most cloud providers, such as AWS (EKS), Azure (AKS), and Google Cloud (GKE), offer managed Kubernetes services. These allow you to deploy clusters without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

To install Minikube (for local development):

For cloud-based Kubernetes installations, follow the respective cloud provider’s documentation:

Once installed, ensure kubectl is configured to interact with your Kubernetes cluster:

Step 2: Create a Kubernetes Cluster

With Kubernetes, you first need to define a cluster. For managed services (e.g., EKS, AKS, or GKE), the cloud provider will take care of setting up the master nodes and worker nodes. With Minikube, this is done automatically when starting it.

Check your nodes using:

Step 3: Create a Kubernetes Deployment

A deployment defines how your application runs on Kubernetes. To create a deployment, use a YAML configuration file. The deployment will describe the application’s desired state, including the container image, replicas, and strategy.

Example deployment.yaml:

Apply the deployment:

This will start a new nginx instance, scaling it to 3 replicas.

Step 4: Expose Your Deployment with a Service

To make your deployed app accessible outside the cluster, you’ll need to expose it using a Kubernetes Service. There are several service types, including:

  • ClusterIP: The default, only accessible within the cluster.
  • NodePort: Exposes the service on each node’s IP at a static port.
  • LoadBalancer: Provisions an external load balancer.

To expose the deployment:

Apply the service:

You can check the service and get the external IP using:

Step 5: Scaling and Updating Applications

Scaling: Kubernetes allows dynamic scaling of applications. You can scale up or down the number of replicas easily:

Check the status:

Updating: To update your application, change the image version in the deployment YAML, or use:

Kubernetes will perform a rolling update, ensuring zero downtime for your application.

Step 6: Monitor and Manage

Kubernetes provides built-in tools for monitoring and logging your applications:

  • View logs:

  • Get detailed information:

  • Access the Kubernetes dashboard (for Minikube users):

For advanced monitoring, integrate tools like Prometheus and Grafana to get insights into cluster performance and application health.

Step 7: Clean Up

Once you’re done, it’s important to clean up your resources:

This ensures that your Kubernetes cluster doesn’t have lingering resources, preventing potential conflicts or unnecessary costs.


Kubernetes is a powerful platform for orchestrating containers at scale, making it essential for managing complex applications in production environments. By following this step-by-step guide, you can get up and running with Kubernetes quickly, whether locally or in the cloud.

Next Steps:

For a deeper dive into Kubernetes fundamentals, consider checking out the Kubernetes documentation.

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Franck Kengne

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