
Who decides what code goes into an “open-source” project? Wouldn’t all code (including bad) theoretically be included?

October 5, 2024 · 7 minutes read

Reviewed by: Julia Knights

Table of Contents

In open-source projects, not all code contributions are accepted. There are specific mechanisms and decision-making processes in place to ensure the quality and relevance of the code that gets included in the project. Here’s an overview of how this works:

Who Decides What Code Goes Into an Open-Source Project?

  1. Project Maintainers:
    • Maintainers are responsible for overseeing the direction of an open-source project. They have the authority to decide which contributions (or “pull requests”) get merged into the main codebase. They review code to ensure it aligns with the project’s goals and standards.
    • Maintainers are often the original creators of the project or experienced contributors who have been entrusted with responsibility over key parts of the project.
  2. Core Committers:
    • Larger open-source projects often have a group of core committers. These are trusted contributors who have earned the privilege to directly push code changes into the repository. They work alongside maintainers to keep the codebase clean, stable, and well-organized.
  3. Pull Request Review Process:
    • Most open-source projects use a pull request model (e.g., on GitHub, GitLab). Contributors suggest changes or additions via pull requests. The proposed code is reviewed by other developers, maintainers, or core committers. During the review, they check for code quality, functionality, style, and relevance.
    • Only after the review and approval by maintainers or committers is the code merged into the main branch.

For a detailed look at how to contribute to open-source, check out this article on How to Get Started with Open Source Projects.

Quality Control Mechanisms in Open-Source Projects

  1. Code Reviews:
    • Each code submission is reviewed for quality, adherence to the project’s guidelines, and the overall impact on the project. If the code is poorly written or unnecessary, maintainers or reviewers will reject or request changes.
  2. Testing and Continuous Integration (CI):
    • Many open-source projects include automated testing and CI pipelines (e.g., Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI) to ensure that any code change does not break existing functionality. If the code fails tests, it will not be merged.
  3. Coding Standards and Contribution Guidelines:
    • Most projects provide detailed contribution guidelines that outline coding standards, best practices, and expectations for contributions. Contributors must follow these guidelines, ensuring code consistency across the project.
    • Some projects also enforce code linting (automated checks for style and quality) before accepting contributions.

For a comprehensive guide on open-source code review practices, visit Code Review Best Practices for Open Source Projects.

Why Isn’t All Code Accepted?

  1. Code Quality:
    • Poorly written or unoptimized code can introduce bugs, security vulnerabilities, and performance issues. Open-source projects have a reputation to maintain, so maintainers prioritize code quality to ensure the software remains stable and reliable.
  2. Consistency:
    • Open-source projects often have strict guidelines on coding style, architecture, and practices. Code that deviates from these guidelines may be rejected to keep the codebase consistent and maintainable.
  3. Project Goals:
    • Not all contributions align with the goals or roadmap of the project. For example, adding features that are out of scope or unnecessary can bloat the project. Maintainers ensure that the code added is in line with the overall vision.

For an in-depth understanding of the open-source ecosystem, you can explore this blog on How Open Source Projects Manage Code Quality.

Common Misconceptions About Open-Source Contributions

  • All Code Is Included: Some may think open-source means “anything goes,” but in reality, projects have clear guidelines, and maintainers have control over the codebase. Contributions are carefully vetted to maintain the integrity of the project.
  • Lack of Control: While anyone can propose changes, the maintainers have the final say. They protect the project from becoming disorganized or poorly maintained.

If you’re interested in contributing to open-source but don’t know where to start, check out this resource: Contributing to Open Source: Getting Started.


In open-source projects, the process of contributing code is highly controlled. Maintainers and core committers review every contribution to ensure it meets the project’s quality standards and aligns with its goals. Automated tests, contribution guidelines, and community reviews ensure that bad code doesn’t make its way into the main codebase. The collaborative nature of open-source projects doesn’t mean chaos; it’s a structured system designed to maintain code quality while encouraging contributions.

For a deeper dive into the open-source process and best practices, take a look at Open Source Guide: Best Practices for Maintainers.

For more tips on contributing to open-source or managing an open-source project, follow @cerebrixorg on social media!

Ethan Kim

Tech Visionary and Industry Storyteller

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