
Troubleshooting a Docker Container that Keeps Restarting Due to Configuration Issues

October 31, 2024 · 8 minutes read

Reviewed by: Liam Chen

Table of Contents

When a Docker container keeps restarting, it can be challenging to identify and resolve the root cause, especially if the error logs point to a configuration issue. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you diagnose and troubleshoot a container that’s stuck in a restart loop.

1. Check the Container Logs

The first step in diagnosing any Docker issue is to examine the logs for more details on why the container keeps restarting.

  • Command:
    docker logs <container_name> --tail 100

This command shows the last 100 lines of the container logs, providing insight into recent errors or warnings. Pay close attention to error messages, stack traces, or missing dependencies that might indicate the specific configuration issue.

Tip: If the logs reveal missing environment variables or files, these can be the source of the configuration problem.

2. Examine the Docker Restart Policy

If the container is set to automatically restart on failure, it may enter a loop if the issue persists. You can check the restart policy with:

  • Command:
    docker inspect --format='{{.HostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name}}' <container_name>

To prevent continuous restarts while troubleshooting, consider stopping the container and adjusting the restart policy.

  • Command to stop the container:
    docker update --restart=no <container_name>

This will prevent the container from restarting, allowing you to troubleshoot without interruptions.

3. Run the Container in Interactive Mode

Running the container in interactive mode with a shell allows you to access and examine the container’s file system, configuration files, and environment variables directly.

  • Command:
    docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash <image_name>

Once inside the container, navigate to the configuration files (often in /etc or /app/config depending on your setup). Check for misconfigured values, missing files, or permission issues that could be causing the container to fail.

4. Check Environment Variables and Configuration Files

Configuration errors often stem from incorrect environment variables or configuration file paths. Verify that all required environment variables are set and correctly spelled.

  • Command to check environment variables:
    docker inspect --format='{{json .Config.Env}}' <container_name> | jq

Inspect configuration files within the container to ensure they match the expected format and contain valid values. Missing or invalid entries in configuration files can cause applications to crash at startup.

Example: If using an application requiring database connections, confirm that the database host, port, username, and password are correctly specified.

5. Analyze Dockerfile for Potential Issues

If you built the container image yourself, the Dockerfile might have configuration errors leading to the container failure. Key points to verify include:

  • ENTRYPOINT and CMD commands: Ensure the specified application or script is correct.
  • File paths: Confirm that the paths referenced in the Dockerfile exist within the container.
  • Environment variables: Ensure required environment variables are correctly set in the Dockerfile or through the docker run command.

Example: If the Dockerfile references /app/config/config.yaml, ensure that the config.yaml file is indeed present in the /app/config/ directory.

6. Examine the Docker Compose File (If Applicable)

If you’re using Docker Compose, configuration issues may stem from the docker-compose.yml file. Common errors include incorrect environment variable settings, volume mappings, and dependencies.

  • Command:
    docker-compose config

This command checks for syntax errors in the docker-compose.yml file and lists the configuration as seen by Docker. Verify that paths, environment variables, and volume mounts are correct.

Tip: If using volumes to share configuration files, ensure the paths are correctly mapped and that the files exist on the host system.

7. Inspect Resource Limits and Dependencies

Containers may fail or restart if they encounter resource limits or dependency issues. Review the container’s memory, CPU, and storage usage.

  • Resource limit check:
    docker inspect --format='{{json .HostConfig.Memory}}' <container_name>
    docker inspect --format='{{json .HostConfig.CpuShares}}' <container_name>

If dependencies like a database or API service are required, ensure those services are running and accessible. Connectivity issues can cause a container to restart as it tries to re-establish connections.

8. Use docker exec for Real-Time Debugging

If the container is not crashing instantly, use docker exec to access the running container and troubleshoot in real time.

  • Command:
    docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash

This command lets you inspect the container while it’s running, allowing you to check application logs, test configurations, or manually restart services within the container.

9. Check for Known Issues and Image Compatibility

Sometimes, container issues arise from known bugs in the software or incompatibilities in the image version. If you’re using a third-party image, check the Docker Hub page or GitHub repository for known issues or version compatibility notes.

  • Solution: Ensure you are using a compatible and stable version of the image. If possible, try running an older version or a different tag (e.g., :latest or :stable) to see if the issue persists.

10. Restart Docker Daemon or Host

In rare cases, restarting the Docker daemon or the host machine can resolve container issues, especially if they’re related to system resources or network connectivity.

  • Command to restart Docker:
    sudo systemctl restart docker

Ensure that this is only done when you’ve exhausted other options, as it affects all running containers on the host.


Troubleshooting a restarting Docker container with configuration issues requires a systematic approach. By analyzing logs, checking environment variables, inspecting Dockerfiles, and verifying dependencies, you can pinpoint the root cause of the problem and resolve it effectively. Following these steps will help you maintain stability in your Docker environment, enabling reliable and predictable container deployments.

For more Docker and cloud troubleshooting tips, follow Cerebrix on social media at @cerebrixorg.

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Julia Knight

Tech Visionary and Industry Storyteller

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