
How do you check if there is an issue with SMTP server?

October 16, 2024 · 9 minutes read

Reviewed by: Liam Chen

Table of Contents

Checking if there is an issue with an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server can involve a series of diagnostic steps to identify where the problem lies. Whether you’re sending emails through a local mail server, using a hosted service, or connecting with third-party providers, these troubleshooting steps can help pinpoint the issue.

Steps to Check if There is an Issue with an SMTP Server:

1. Test the SMTP Server Using Command Line

You can test an SMTP server by connecting to it through the command line using Telnet or OpenSSL. This allows you to manually check if the server is responding and accepting connections.

Telnet Command (For Non-Encrypted Connections)

  1. Open the command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Mac/Linux).
  2. Type the following command:
    telnet smtp.example.com 25

    Replace smtp.example.com with your SMTP server’s address and 25 with the SMTP port number (common SMTP ports are 25, 465, 587).

    If the connection is successful, you should see a message starting with 220, which indicates the server is responding. If you don’t see this message, it means there is an issue with the connection.

OpenSSL Command (For SSL/TLS Connections)

For encrypted SMTP connections, you can use OpenSSL to test the server.

  1. Run the following command:
    openssl s_client -connect smtp.example.com:465 -starttls smtp

    If the server responds with a 220 message, the SMTP server is functioning correctly. Failure to connect may indicate issues with the server or incorrect settings (SSL/TLS requirements).

2. Check the SMTP Server Logs

Most SMTP servers maintain logs that contain detailed information about incoming and outgoing connections, successful or failed email deliveries, and other relevant activities. Accessing these logs can help identify the root cause of the issue.

  • For Linux-based servers (like Postfix or Exim), SMTP logs are usually located in /var/log/mail.log or /var/log/maillog.
  • For Windows-based servers, such as Microsoft Exchange, logs can be found under the Event Viewer in the Windows Logs section.

Check the logs for:

  • Connection errors (e.g., “connection refused”).
  • Authentication errors (e.g., “invalid credentials”).
  • Rejected emails due to server issues or incorrect configurations.

3. Verify DNS Settings (MX and SPF Records)

An issue with your DNS settings can cause problems with the SMTP server. Specifically, you should verify that:

  • MX (Mail Exchange) records are correctly pointing to the SMTP server.
  • SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records are correctly configured for your domain, allowing your SMTP server to send emails.

You can check DNS settings using tools like:

Enter your domain name, and these tools will verify the MX and SPF records. If the MX records are not correctly pointing to your mail server, emails will not be routed properly.

4. Test Authentication and Credentials

Incorrect credentials or improper authentication mechanisms are common causes of SMTP issues. Ensure that:

  • The username and password used for SMTP authentication are correct.
  • The authentication method (e.g., PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5) is supported by the SMTP server.

If you’re using a third-party SMTP service (e.g., Google, SendGrid, or Amazon SES), double-check the credentials in your email client or application.

5. Check Firewall and Network Settings

SMTP servers often operate on specific ports such as 25, 465, or 587. If your firewall is blocking these ports, email communication will fail.

  • Verify that the required SMTP ports are open on both the server and client-side firewalls.
  • Check if any ISP blocks are in place for outbound email traffic (some ISPs block port 25 by default).

Use tools like Netcat or Nmap to check if the port is open and accepting connections.

6. Test Email Sending Using an Email Client

You can use an email client like Outlook, Thunderbird, or even a simple PHP/SMTP mail test to check if the server is functioning. Configure the email client with the SMTP server details and try sending an email. If it fails, you may receive an error message that helps diagnose the problem.

Error messages to look out for:

  • Connection timeout: Could indicate a network issue or the SMTP server is down.
  • Authentication failed: Incorrect credentials or the SMTP server is rejecting the authentication method.

7. Check SMTP Server Configuration

SMTP servers have various configuration settings that control their behavior. Misconfiguration could cause problems with email delivery.

Check the following configuration settings:

  • Correct port: Ensure that the correct SMTP port is configured for communication (e.g., 587 for TLS, 465 for SSL).
  • Relay settings: If you’re trying to send emails to external domains, verify that the server is configured to relay emails to external recipients.
  • TLS/SSL settings: Ensure that the correct encryption protocols are enabled (if required).

8. Test with Third-Party SMTP Tools

There are several online tools and services that can help test the performance and functionality of your SMTP server.

9. Verify If the SMTP Service Is Running

If you have direct access to the server, ensure the SMTP service itself is running. On Linux-based systems (like Postfix or Exim), you can check the service status with commands like:

systemctl status postfix

Or, on Windows, use Services.msc to check if the SMTP service is running.

10. Contact the Email Service Provider

If you’re using a third-party SMTP provider (e.g., Google, Outlook, or Amazon SES), and none of the above troubleshooting steps work, it’s a good idea to check the provider’s status page or contact support. Providers often have status dashboards where they post outages or issues affecting email delivery.

If the issue is widespread, it may be caused by an outage on the provider’s side.


Diagnosing issues with an SMTP server involves multiple steps, from basic connectivity tests with tools like Telnet or OpenSSL, to checking server logs, DNS settings, and firewall rules. Understanding how each part of the email infrastructure works—from DNS to authentication—helps pinpoint where the problem lies, whether it’s network-related, configuration errors, or third-party service outages.

For more insights and troubleshooting guides, follow @cerebrixorg on social media!

Julia Knight

Tech Visionary and Industry Storyteller

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