
Common Kubernetes Errors and Their Solutions

November 6, 2024 · 10 minutes read

Reviewed by: Liam Chen

Table of Contents

Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration tool, but working with it can sometimes lead to complex errors. These errors often arise from misconfigurations, networking issues, or insufficient resources. Here’s a guide to some of the most common Kubernetes errors and how to resolve them effectively.

1. Crash Loop Back Off

The Crash Loop Back Off error occurs when a pod starts and then crashes repeatedly. This can be due to several issues, such as misconfigured application code, missing dependencies, or incorrect environment variables.

Troubleshooting CrashLoopBackOff Errors in Kubernetes — Control Plane

  • Solution:
    1. Check Logs: Use the following command to view the pod logs and identify the root cause.
      kubectl logs <pod_name> -n <namespace>
    2. Inspect Events: View events related to the pod.
      kubectl describe pod <pod_name> -n <namespace>
    3. Check Environment Variables: Ensure all required environment variables are correctly defined.
    4. Check Readiness and Liveness Probes: Misconfigured probes can cause pods to restart.

2. Image Pull Back Off and Err Image Pull

These errors occur when Kubernetes cannot pull the specified container image, either because it doesn’t exist or due to authentication issues.

Unraveling the Kubernetes ImagePullBackOff Error | Refine

  • Solution:
    1. Verify Image Name and Tag: Check for typos in the image name or tag.
    2. Check Image Registry: Confirm that the image is available in the specified registry.
    3. Update Image Pull Secrets: If the image is private, ensure your Kubernetes cluster has the correct image pull secret.
      kubectl create secret docker-registry <secret_name> \
             --docker-server=<registry_url> \
             --docker-username=<username> \
             --docker-password=<password> \

3. Pending Pods

Pods in the Pending state indicate that they are waiting for a node with sufficient resources or other required configurations.


  • Solution:
    1. Check Node Resources: Ensure the cluster has enough resources (CPU, memory).
      kubectl describe nodes
    2. View Events for the Pod: Look for errors related to resource constraints or node affinity issues.
      kubectl describe pod <pod_name> -n <namespace>
    3. Scale Up Cluster: If there aren’t enough resources, consider scaling up the cluster by adding more nodes.
    4. Review Node Selectors and Taints/Tolerations: Ensure the pod’s node selector, affinity, and tolerations match available nodes.

4. Create Container Config Error

The Create Container Config Error typically occurs due to issues with environment variables, volumes, or secrets that prevent the container from starting.

  • Solution:
    1. Check Container Logs: Use the following command to view container startup logs.
      kubectl logs <pod_name> -c <container_name>
    2. Verify Environment Variables and Secrets: Ensure all necessary environment variables, config maps, and secrets are available and correctly referenced.
    3. Inspect Volume Mounts: Confirm that volume mounts and paths are correctly specified and accessible by the container.

5. Node Not Ready

This error occurs when one or more nodes in the cluster are in a Not Ready state, often due to resource constraints, network issues, or node crashes.

How to Resolve the “Node Not Ready” error.

  • Solution:
    1. Check Node Status: Use the following command to check node statuses.
      kubectl get nodes
    2. Describe the Node: Review events and status details on the node to identify the issue.
      kubectl describe node <node_name>
    3. Verify Network Connectivity: Ensure the node can communicate with the Kubernetes control plane.
    4. Restart Kubelet: If the node isn’t responding, restart the kubelet service.
      sudo systemctl restart kubelet

6. OOM Killed (Out of Memory)

When a container is killed with the OOM Killed status, it means that the pod exceeded the memory limit set in its configuration.

smarta-saw-dah pod crashes with the OOMKilled error - Service Management  Automation X

  • Solution:
    1. Check Resource Limits: Verify that memory limits are set appropriately for the container’s needs.
      memory: "512Mi"
    2. Monitor Memory Usage: Use tools like kubectl top to monitor memory usage and adjust limits if needed.
      kubectl top pod <pod_name> -n <namespace>
    3. Optimize Application Memory Usage: Review the application code and configuration for memory efficiency.

7. Unauthorized or Forbidden Access Errors

This error generally occurs when Kubernetes API requests lack proper permissions, often due to misconfigured RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) settings.

Are Your Kubernetes Clusters Configured Properly? | Horizon3.ai

  • Solution:
    1. Check Role and Role Binding: Ensure the service account associated with the pod has the required permissions.
      kubectl describe rolebinding <rolebinding_name> -n <namespace>
    2. Assign Necessary Permissions: Update RBAC roles and bindings to grant the required access.
    3. Inspect Service Account: Verify that the pod or user is using the correct service account with appropriate roles.

8. Pod Stuck in Terminating State

Pods can sometimes become stuck in the Terminating state if there are issues with the deletion process, often due to network or storage issues.

  • Solution:
    1. Force Delete the Pod: Use the following command to force-delete the pod.
      kubectl delete pod <pod_name> --grace-period=0 --force
    2. Check Finalizers: Some resources have finalizers that must complete before deletion. Inspect and remove finalizers if necessary.

9. Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) Pending

This issue occurs when a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) cannot find a matching Persistent Volume (PV) to bind to, often due to size mismatches, storage class issues, or lack of available PVs.

  • Solution:
    1. Check PVC Events: Use the following command to view PVC events.
      kubectl describe pvc <pvc_name> -n <namespace>
    2. Verify Storage Class and Size: Ensure the requested storage class and size match an available PV.
    3. Create a New PV: If no matching PVs are available, create a new PV with the correct specifications.

10. Failed Scheduling

The Failed Scheduling error occurs when Kubernetes cannot place a pod on any node due to constraints such as resource availability, affinity rules, or taints.

  • Solution:
    1. Check Pod Events: View pod events to identify the reason for scheduling failure.
      kubectl describe pod <pod_name> -n <namespace>
    2. Review Node Resource Availability: Ensure that nodes have sufficient CPU and memory for the pod’s requirements.
    3. Verify Taints and Tolerations: Check if the nodes are tainted, preventing scheduling, and add the necessary tolerations to the pod.
    4. Scale Up Resources: If necessary, add more nodes or increase instance types to meet the scheduling requirements.

11. Image Pull Back Off with ECR Images

If you’re using images stored in Amazon ECR and encounter Image Pull Back Off, it could be due to expired authentication tokens.

  • Solution:
    1. Re-authenticate with ECR: Run the following command to re-authenticate with ECR.
      aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com
    2. Use IAM Role with Proper Permissions: Assign IAM roles to your Kubernetes nodes to provide automatic access to ECR images.


Kubernetes errors can be complex, but understanding the common causes and resolutions for each can streamline troubleshooting. Regular monitoring, proper configuration, and resource management are key to maintaining a healthy Kubernetes environment. Adopting these troubleshooting techniques will improve reliability, reduce downtime, and help teams respond effectively to unexpected issues.

For more Kubernetes tips and solutions, follow Cerebrix on social media at @cerebrixorg.

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Franck Kengne

Tech Visionary and Industry Storyteller

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