
Cards Against Humanity Sues SpaceX for Land Trespassing and Damage

September 23, 2024 · 7 minutes read

Reviewed by: Liam Chen

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In a bizarre but serious legal twist, Cards Against Humanity, the creators of the popular card game known for its dark humor, has filed a lawsuit against SpaceX for alleged land trespassing and property damage. The lawsuit, which was filed in Texas, claims that SpaceX’s activities in the area around its Boca Chica launch site have encroached on land owned by Cards Against Humanity, leading to environmental damage and a violation of their property rights.

The Background: A Plot of Land with a Twist

The land in question is part of a plot that Cards Against Humanity purchased in 2018 during a publicity stunt known as the “Cards Against Humanity Saves America” campaign. The company sold tiny plots of land in Texas to their fans as a symbolic protest against the U.S. border wall, stating that it would make it more difficult for the government to acquire land for the wall’s construction. This plot, located near Boca Chica, has become a focal point of contention as SpaceX continues to expand its launch site for testing Starship, the spacecraft that Elon Musk envisions for missions to Mars.

According to the lawsuit, SpaceX’s recent activities, including Starship launches and testing operations, have led to debris and environmental damage on the land owned by Cards Against Humanity. The complaint also alleges that SpaceX personnel have trespassed on the land without permission, using it as part of their expanded operations.

“We didn’t think our land purchase would lead to an actual lawsuit with a rocket company, but here we are. SpaceX has crossed boundaries, literally and figuratively,” said a spokesperson for Cards Against Humanity in a statement to the press (source).

The Allegations: Trespassing and Environmental Damage

The lawsuit filed by Cards Against Humanity alleges multiple violations, including:

  • Trespassing: According to the company, SpaceX employees have repeatedly accessed their land without permission, using it for operations related to Starship testing. The lawsuit claims that these actions violate property rights and have caused physical disruptions to the land.
  • Environmental Damage: The lawsuit also accuses SpaceX of causing environmental harm to the land through rocket launches, debris fallout, and other testing activities. The complaint points to significant environmental damage, including the destruction of local wildlife habitats and contamination of the land with rocket debris.

The lawsuit seeks compensatory damages for the alleged environmental damage and property trespassing, as well as an injunction to prevent SpaceX from using the land in the future without proper authorization.

“This isn’t about stunts or humor. This is about protecting our land and holding a company accountable for encroaching on private property and damaging it in the process,” the company’s legal team said in a statement.

SpaceX’s Response

As of now, SpaceX has not issued an official response to the lawsuit. However, given the company’s high-profile presence in the Boca Chica area and its ongoing space-related projects, it is likely that SpaceX will mount a legal defense, potentially arguing that the land’s proximity to their operations makes some level of encroachment unavoidable.

SpaceX’s Starship testing has already faced scrutiny from local residents and environmental groups due to concerns over its environmental impact. Rocket debris and loud sonic booms have been common during test launches, and earlier Starship tests have seen rockets explode, leading to concerns about safety and damage to the surrounding areas.

The Legal Battle: Unusual but Serious

While the lawsuit may seem outlandish given the personalities involved—Cards Against Humanity, known for its irreverent sense of humor, taking on SpaceX, Elon Musk’s cutting-edge space company—the legal issues at play are far from trivial. Trespassing and environmental damage claims can have serious legal ramifications, and Texas law strongly protects property rights.

“This case is interesting not only because of the parties involved but because it touches on key issues of property rights, environmental protection, and the responsibilities of companies like SpaceX when operating near private land,” said David Schwartz, a property law expert at University of Texas School of Law (source).

If Cards Against Humanity succeeds in court, SpaceX could be forced to pay significant damages or modify its operations to ensure that it no longer encroaches on the land. The legal battle could also spark further discussion about the need for tighter regulations around private spaceflight activities and their environmental impacts, especially as space companies like Blue Origin, SpaceX, and others expand their operations across the globe.

Conclusion: A Lawsuit with Far-Reaching Implications

While it may initially seem like a strange pairing, the legal battle between Cards Against Humanity and SpaceX could have significant consequences, not only for property rights near space launch sites but also for the future of environmental accountability in the private space sector. As the case unfolds, both companies will have to navigate a complex legal and public relations landscape.

For more updates on this lawsuit and other space-related news, follow @cerebrixorg on social media!

Dr. Maya Jensen

Tech Visionary and Industry Storyteller

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